July-August 2024

Dear Friends,

Many of my followers have been patiently awaiting for another dance retreat with me. This September join us in Marboro, VT for Sacred Journey of the Soul, a sacred dance and music retreat encompassing the rich tapestry of Iranian/Persian mysticism and Sufism, including Greater Khorasan, Yarsan, Qaderi, Mitratic, and Zoroastrian rituals, as well as Central Asian and Turkish Sufi practices. Early bird registration for this week-long retreat is open until July 15 for workshops, evening gatherings, shared lodging, and food. Space is limited so take advantage of this opportunity now. Please look for more details below.

This month, July 12 – 14. join me in San Diego for Global Unity in Dance, a vibrant dinner-dance concert celebrating our diversity and unity featuring the Simorgh Dance Collective and other artists. Stay for the weekend in San Diego for workshops in Persian Classical, Azeri, and Persian sacred and Sufi whirling dance. I will also perform a Sufi-Flamenco dance with other featured artists Saturday July 13. Details on workshops and dinner performances appear below.

Finally, this July 20 watch and participate in dance performances of Persia and the Silk Road at the Fairfield Library in Fairfield, CA with the Simorgh Dance Collective and I. This is a free event for the whole family starting at 2pm. We look forward to seeing you there!

Wishing to see you soon in dance where ever you are,

You have to keep breaking your heart until it opens.
– Rumi

About farimadance

Farima is an award winning, internationally acclaimed performing artist, instructor, dance ethnologist, and archaeologist.  Recognized as one of few world experts and scholars of Persian dance history, Farima infuses spirituality into her dance and teachings to impassion, empower, and inspire.